Our Team

Our people have international expertise in managing cities and regions and have served in positions of responsibility within research and policy institutions. We are engaged with social dynamics and maintain strong ties to the global expert community on transition management.

Constantinos Antonopoulos is an expert on regional development and policy. He has studied extensively the role that logistics industries are performing in enabling urban change and development in port-cities and the ensuing regional transformations. He has also worked in field of innovation support and regional business upgrading. Costas holds a PhD in Economic Geography from the University of Manchester, and MSc degrees in Local Economic Development (LSE) and Urban Management (EUR).

Nathalie Nuyts is an expert on urban sociology and networks of science. Her work has focused on changing attitudes of animal care within research institutions and the study of the social networks of researchers. Nathalie holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Ghent and MSc degrees in Urban Sociology (UGhent) and Urban Management (EUR).